esSENSiel - LeTemps et ce que l'on en fait

isn't the most important thing what we do with it?

That time is relative ... Never mind !

esSENSiel - Le Temps Qui Passe


esSENSiel - Bouger & Penser - cinemagraph_cascade

What do you think ?

Do we think because we move ?

Or ...

Do we move beacuse we think ?




esSENSiel - Cinemagraph_Bédière, alpiniste & glacier

to live better ?

to better understand ?

to make it better ?

What if you'd give yourself the opportunity


Our Services

esSENSiel - Nos AteliersesSENSiel _ Atelier : Mettre de la conscience en soi - une tête faite de rouages et d'engrenages qui viennent la compléter le tout déposer sur une main sur un fond de ciel

benefiting from self-awareness ?

what if being talented meant

our workshops


esSENSiel - Fil Rouge


what good we can do with it !

but to know

why certain things happen ...

isn't so much

The real question


esSENSial, What is it ?

esSENSial is an innovative approach to personal, sport or /and professional coaching, and a registered trademark under the aegis of which professionals propose to make sense and provide conscience :

  • to your natural motor skills;
  • to yourself as a global and unique person;
  • to what makes you who you are in a given context and environment.

esSENSial approach consists in providing the individual the opportunity to connect, to relate to himself, differently, more consciously. Thus promoting its ability to first act and react according to her/his natural strengths and skills in the environments and contexts that punctuate and shape her or his life.

Ultimately, benefiting from this approach serves as :

  • a compass, ensuring that help us remember to start with ourselves;
  • an aid to understanding and decision-making in terms of personal and/or professional orientation;
  • an opportunity for personal development in terms of motor skills, relational exchanges and cognitive contextualization, to better perceive and feel oneself as an individual or as part of a group or team.

Filigrees :

click to

find out more

esSENSial, What is it ?

esSENSial is an innovative approach to personal, sport or /and professional coaching, and a registered trademark under the aegis of which professionals propose to make sense and provide conscience :

  • to your natural motor skills;
  • to yourself as a global and unique person;
  • to what makes you who you are in a given context and environment.

esSENSial approach consists in providing the individual the opportunity to connect, to relate to himself, differently, more consciously. Thus promoting its ability to first act and react according to her/his natural strengths and skills in the environments and contexts that punctuate and shape her or his life.

Ultimately, benefiting from this approach serves as :

  • a compass, ensuring that help us remember to start with ourselves;
  • an aid to understanding and decision-making in terms of personal and/or professional orientation;
  • an opportunity for personal development in terms of motor skills, relational exchanges and cognitive contextualization, to better perceive and feel oneself as an individual or as part of a group or team.

esSENSial-ActionTypes®, How Does it Work ?

esSENSial approach incorporates the ActionTypes® approach, which enables us to identify our motor preferences, our own signatures in terms of posture and coordination, which differentiate us from one another.


These characterize each of us in particular contexts and federate our resources for moving, acting, interacting and reacting in sport, as shown in the video below.


But as soon as our brain organizes itself in this way with our body to play and perform physically and tactically, it operates in the same way outside sport : to feel, to memorize, to recover, to take decisions, to connect or not, to undertake or not…


And this applies to all the contexts we all face :

  • in our working lives : professionally, socially, familially, societally;
  • in our leisure activities, be they manual, cultural or intellectual;
  • in our interaction with ourselves and others.

These motor signatures which, through movement and contexts, reveal the privileged and particular relational modalities that an individual maintains with his body and brain, are sometimes clumsily considered as a marker of personality traits; the latter are only shaped by the education, culture, rules, beliefs and training in which we are immersed.

These personality traits do not necessarily reflect our true identity; they are merely what the individual makes of his psychomotor identity, with all the richness and uniqueness of his relational, cognitive, emotional and motor skills.

The video below illustrates how this approach can be applied in a sports environment.

esSENSial-ActionTypes®, How Does it Work ?

esSENSial approach incorporates the ActionTypes® approach, which enables us to identify our motor preferences, our own signatures in terms of posture and coordination, which differentiate us from one another.


These characterize each of us in particular contexts and federate our resources for moving, acting, interacting and reacting in sport, as shown in the video below.


But as soon as our brain organizes itself in this way with our body to play and perform physically and tactically, it operates in the same way outside sport : to feel, to memorize, to recover, to take decisions, to connect or not, to undertake or not…


And this applies to all the contexts we all face :

  • in our working lives : professionally, socially, familially, societally;
  • in our leisure activities, be they manual, cultural or intellectual;
  • in our interaction with ourselves and others.

These motor signatures which, through movement and contexts, reveal the privileged and particular relational modalities that an individual maintains with his body and brain, are sometimes clumsily considered as a marker of personality traits; the latter are only shaped by the education, culture, rules, beliefs and training in which we are immersed.

These personality traits do not necessarily reflect our true identity; they are merely what the individual makes of his psychomotor identity, with all the richness and uniqueness of his relational, cognitive, emotional and motor skills.

The video below illustrates how this approach can be applied in a sports environment.

esSENSial, What For ?

esSENSial is for anyone who wants to :

  • get to know him/herself better…
  • better perceive oneself…
  • feel oneself better…

in short, to better understand oneself in contexts and environments which, by definition, are constantly evolving, and within which it’s good to know who we are so we can better adapt to them rather than conform to them.


Whether you’re faced with a life event or simply want to get on with your life better, whether you’re faced with nothing in particular… or with an important decision to make :

  • academic orientation;
  • getting to know yourself better…
  • a professional choice;
  • following a job loss;
  • following a separation or a break up;
  • as part of a conflict…

esSENSial saims to develop self-awareness by taking into account our singularities :

  • in the face of changing environments and contexts;
  • in terms of postures;
  • in coordination and movement.

esSENSial, What For ?

esSENSial is for anyone who wants to :

  • get to know him/herself better…
  • better perceive oneself…
  • feel oneself better…

in short, to better understand oneself in contexts and environments which, by definition, are constantly evolving, and within which it’s good to know who we are so we can better adapt to them rather than conform to them.


Whether you’re faced with a life event or simply want to get on with your life better, whether you’re faced with nothing in particular… or with an important decision to make :

  • academic orientation;
  • getting to know yourself better…
  • a professional choice;
  • following a job loss;
  • following a separation or a break up;
  • as part of a conflict…

esSENSial saims to develop self-awareness by taking into account our singularities :

  • in the face of changing environments and contexts;
  • in terms of postures;
  • in coordination and movement.

esSENSial, For Whom ?

Through the menu options available on the site, you’ll find an entry point that speaks to what the approach can bring in terms of your expectations or needs as an individual, as a person or group in a particular reality, or as a person or group carrying out a particular activity.

esSENSial is designed for any individual, pair, team, group, department or entity wishing to :

  • better operate;
  • better perceive themselves and be perceived;
  • better recharge their batteries.

esSENSial is for anyone, young or old, active or not, alone or in a couple, wishing to :

  • (re)discoverrse and (re)get to know themselves
  • explore and experiment
  • value and project themselves
  • reveal themselves

Do you work in Human Resources ? Within your company or in recruitment ?

  • esSENSial to help you work better with your colleagues and your teams;

  • esSENSial to perceive your candidates objectively, without prejudice, for who they are, not for what they were or what they will never be.

Do you work in the world of career guidance, integration or professional reintegration ?

  • esSENSial to better perceive the person as a unique individual, and not as a “profile”;

  • esSENSial to enable people to validate by themselves their own added value.

Do you work in education, teaching or training ?

  • esSENSial for better awakening and assimilation on the part of your pupils or students;

  • esSENSial to see your pupils or students concentrate better.

  • esSENSial to diversify your teaching.

Are you involved in sports, athletes, sports equipment or material ?

  • esSENSial to avoid the potential risks of recurring injuries;

  • esSENSial to better advise and support your customers;

  • esSENSial to improve context-dependent coordination skills.

esSENSial, For Whom ?

Through the menu options available on the site, you’ll find an entry point that speaks to what the approach can bring in terms of your expectations or needs as an individual, as a person or group in a particular reality, or as a person or group carrying out a particular activity.

esSENSial is designed for any individual, pair, team, group, department or entity wishing to :

  • better operate;
  • better perceive themselves and be perceived;
  • better recharge their batteries.

esSENSial is for anyone, young or old, active or not, alone or in a couple, wishing to :

  • (re)discoverrse and (re)get to know themselves
  • explore and experiment
  • value and project themselves
  • reveal themselves

Do you work in Human Resources ? Within your company or in recruitment ?

  • esSENSial to help you work better with your colleagues and your teams;

  • esSENSial to perceive your candidates objectively, without prejudice, for who they are, not for what they were or what they will never be.

Do you work in the world of career guidance, integration or professional reintegration ?

  • esSENSial to better perceive the person as a unique individual, and not as a “profile”;

  • esSENSial to enable people to validate by themselves their own added value.

Do you work in education, teaching or training ?

  • esSENSial for better awakening and assimilation on the part of your pupils or students;

  • esSENSial to see your pupils or students concentrate better.

  • esSENSial to diversify your teaching.

Are you involved in sports, athletes, sports equipment or material ?

  • esSENSial to avoid the potential risks of recurring injuries;

  • esSENSial to better advise and support your customers;

  • esSENSial to improve context-dependent coordination skills.

esSENSial, Its Vocation ?

esSENSial is dedicated to  :

  • Make the connection between you and your environment, between you and those around you
  • Raise awareness of your ability to move according to who you are, not according to external prerogatives or injunctions.
  • Bring meaning to your actions, reactions and feelings.

esSENSial, Its Vocation ?

esSENSial aims to  :

  • BOOST our body and mind
  • BOOST ourselves in relation to others
  • BOOST ourselves in changing environments in which we evolve
  • BOOST ourselves in changing contexts, to which we need constantly to adapt without losing our way

esSENSial, Its Vocation ?

esSENSial is dedicated to  :

  • Make the connection between you and your environment, between you and those around you
  • Raise awareness of your ability to move according to who you are, not according to external prerogatives or injunctions.
  • Bring meaning to your actions, reactions and feelings.

esSENSial, Its Vocation ?

esSENSial aims to  :

  • BOOST our body and mind
  • BOOST ourselves in relation to others
  • BOOST ourselves in changing environments in which we evolve
  • BOOST ourselves in changing contexts, to which we need constantly to adapt without losing our way
esSENSiel - filigranes - beige

Filigrees :

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