To Sportswomen & Sporsmen :
Sensitization to the
esSENSial Approach
What can the sports coaching approach that I am proposing bring to you among the plethora of offers and opportunities that already exist ?
30 years devoted to sports and academic training, coupled with almost as many years serving the private and public economy in information technology engineering and business operational compliance have also shaped the eclectic sportsman and trainer I have become.
As you most certainly have, I have benefited from wise advice, tips and follow-through that have helped me grow as a sportsman, sometimes as a specialist. Some of you have said or heard that it is thanks to their sport(s), or to the intensity of its/their practice, that they have established themselves as a person. This has also been my case; I have also often relied on what has been written, what has been said and what I have experienced to advise, guide and train the athletes I worked with. Ski-Expert at a national level, I was able to note, that even at the highest level, the answers provided raised questions… the implementation of THE technique, the application of principles or “laws” such as biomechanics among countless other parameters, including technological, did not bring the universality of answers and the certainties that are claimed.
To Sportswomen & Sporsmen :
Sensitization to the
esSENSial Approach
What can the sports coaching approach that I am proposing bring to you among the plethora of offers and opportunities that already exist ?
30 years devoted to sports and academic training, coupled with almost as many years serving the private and public economy in information technology engineering and business operational compliance have also shaped the eclectic sportsman and trainer I have become.
As you most certainly have, I have benefited from wise advice, tips and follow-through that have helped me grow as a sportsman, sometimes as a specialist. Some of you have said or heard that it is thanks to their sport(s), or to the intensity of its/their practice, that they have established themselves as a person. This has also been my case; I have also often relied on what has been written, what has been said and what I have experienced to advise, guide and train the athletes I worked with. Ski-Expert at a national level, I was able to note, that even at the highest level, the answers provided raised questions… the implementation of THE technique, the application of principles or “laws” such as biomechanics among countless other parameters, including technological, did not bring the universality of answers and the certainties that are claimed.
I have since had the chance and opportunity to cross paths with B. Théraulaz, trainer, coach and inspired designer of the ActionTypes® approach, which is an outcome to sports coaching of 30 years of empirical development with his colleague R. Hippolyte. The approach, which has been confronted with the progress of neurosciences, demonstrates its validity in high-level sports (click HERE to learn more, – in french for the time being… will be soon translated). Its vision and understanding of what leads an athlete to organize his movements in a coherent way or not, according to the context is a real revolution in the field.
Getting the opportunity to experiment how I am able to perceive and organize my coordination and motorial skills naturally or not, according to the context, helped me to understand much more than that about myself…
I decided to become a certified ActionTypes® practitioner and it is on and around this awareness that the esSENSial approach has been built to benefit you.
What is it all about ?
By letting you feel contradictory situations of balance, vision, reaction, orientation, you will be able to feel energetic contrasts allowing you to physically assess which situations and feelings belong to you, compared to those which cost you. The whole gives a motorial signature that is specific to you.
This signature :
- highlights your structural and dynamic motorial preferences,
- allows us to decipher the contexts that affect your motorial skills,
- explains how to take advantage of the contexts that arise in a given sport activity, using a given equipment and in a given context.
How can this be achieved ? This is where the esSENSial-ActionTypes® approach brings real added value :
Je vous livre ci-après quelques exemples contextuels. Below, I provide you with some contextual examples. Choose the sport discipline of your choice; each example is valid for other sports activities than the one it is associated with.
- Soccer – Football – Basketball – Volleyball – Handball
- Running – Trail – Walking – Squats
- Bicycle – Mountain Bike
- Alpine Skiing – Slalom – Freeride
- Snowboarding
- Cross Country skiing – Skating
- Climbing
- Swimming – Paddle – Canoeing
- Tennis – Squash – Badminton – Throwings
- Muscular Strength – Explosiveness
- Wrestling – Fencing – Boxing
- Ice Skating, Roller Skating, Inlines
- Trail Running – Trekking
- Walking, Nordic Walking, Trail
How can this be achieved ? This is where the esSENSial-ActionTypes® approach brings real added value :
Je vous livre ci-après quelques exemples contextuels. Below, I provide you with some contextual examples. Choose the sport discipline of your choice; each example is valid for other sports activities than the one it is associated with.
- Soccer – Football – Basketball – Volleyball – Handball
- Running – Trail – Walking – Squats
- Bicycle – Mountain Bike
- Alpine Skiing – Slalom – Freeride
- Snowboarding
- Cross Country skiing – Skating
- Climbing
- Swimming – Paddle – Canoeing
- Tennis – Squash – Badminton – Throwings
- Muscular Strength – Explosiveness
- Wrestling – Fencing – Boxing
- Ice Skating, Roller Skating, Inlines
- Trail Running – Trekking
- Walking, Nordic Walking, Trail
This perceptive faculty, which we all have, is not a matter of vision as such, but of our natural inclination to privilege the information coming from one side over the other coming from the other side.
And this inclination is not structural; it adapts to the context, like many other components of our motorial skills.
We still need to know how, when and in what way this influences us in terms of coordination in our sport activity…
Ball Sports
Did you know that players have a more natural attention area coming from either the left or the right side ? (it is not strictly speaking about vision here)
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Ball Sports
Did you know that players have a more natural attention area coming from either the left or the right side ? (it is not strictly speaking about vision here)
To contact us, please click HERE.
This perceptive faculty, which we all have, is not a matter of vision as such, but of our natural inclination to privilege the information coming from one side over the other coming from the other side.
And this inclination is not structural; it adapts to the context, like many other components of our motorial skills.
We still need to know how, when and in what way this influences us in terms of coordination in our sport activity…
Walking, Running, Squats :
Did you know that in terms of motorial skills, the coordination of the human being is based on the frontal and lateral planes, but according to the context and not only according to our thoughts or will ?
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It is therefore erroneous to deduce that someone walks or runs only in such and such a way on the basis of a punctual observation, even if it is made with technology. One type of coordination is favored, but the context can make us switch from one mode of coordination to another. This consists in the opportunity to call upon complementary capacities, as long as the postural components are in complete coherence with the type of motricity in which we find ourselves.
If this is not the case, conditions are created that may lead to :
- potential incomprehensible clumsiness (when one gets stuck, when one hits oneself, when one makes monumental mistakes…)
- potential loss of balance (sprains, strains, dislocations…)
- potential overloads (fatigue fractures, cramps, muscle strain…)
Hence the interest in knowing how to perceive which type of motorial skills are being used at a given moment, in a given context.
Walking, Running, Squats :
Did you know that in terms of motorial skills, the coordination of the human being is based on the frontal and lateral planes, but according to the context and not only according to our thoughts or will ?
To contact us, please click HERE.
It is therefore erroneous to deduce that someone walks or runs only in such and such a way on the basis of a punctual observation, even if it is made with technology. One type of coordination is favored, but the context can make us switch from one mode of coordination to another. This consists in the opportunity to call upon complementary capacities, as long as the postural components are in complete coherence with the type of motricity in which we find ourselves.
If this is not the case, conditions are created that may lead to :
- potential incomprehensible clumsiness (when one gets stuck, when one hits oneself, when one makes monumental mistakes…)
- potential loss of balance (sprains, strains, dislocations…)
- potential overloads (fatigue fractures, cramps, muscle strain…)
Hence the interest in knowing how to perceive which type of motor skills are being used at a given moment, in a given context.
The performance resulting from an effort is undoubtedly the result of muscular engagement, but this remains ineffective if it is not coupled with coordination, which is itself dependent on posture. However, the latter is not primarily determined by the measurements of the athlete and the shape or size of the bike.
Optimal power emerges from a posture and therefore from a coordination that respects the athlete’s global motorial organization. This organization is specific to each individual; it changes depending on whether the athlete is in full possession of his/ her means or tired, for example after 150 km or after climbing a first category mountain pass.
The esSENSial-ActionTypes® approach focuses on our coordination awareness ability that adapts to the context and not on a technique or posture that is imposed in any context. This allows the athlete to make the most of who he/she is from a psychomotor point of view, depending on the context.
Bicycle – Moutain Bike
Did you know that the watts you exert on a pedal are not only the result of a muscular and a technical strain ?
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Bicycle – Moutain Bike
Did you know that the watts you exert on a pedal are not only the result of a muscular and a technical strain ?
To contact us, please click HERE.
The performance resulting from an effort is undoubtedly the result of muscular engagement, but this remains ineffective if it is not coupled with coordination, which is itself dependent on posture. However, the latter is not primarily determined by the measurements of the athlete and the shape or size of the bike.
Optimal power emerges from a posture and therefore from a coordination that respects the athlete’s global motorial organization. This organization is specific to each individual; it changes depending on whether the athlete is in full possession of his/ her means or tired, for example after 150 km or after climbing a first category mountain pass.
The esSENSial-ActionTypes® approach focuses on our coordination awareness ability that adapts to the context and not on a technique or posture that is imposed in any context. This allows the athlete to make the most of who he/she is from a psychomotor point of view, depending on the context.
Alpine skiing, Slalom, Freeride :
Did you know that the type of sliding gear or shoes influence positively or negatively the structural aspects of our motorial skills ?
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Using skis or a snowboard that are more or less cut (parabolic), a sliding device which is more or less wide, boots with a more or less inclined shaft calls for coordination qualities that you have certainly experimented whether from the angle of technique or practice.
Going from the same pair of skis or a board to another, changing only by its size (width of the skate compared to the width of its tip), changes the physical perception that you have. Pedagogically, it was concluded that this was a matter of vestibular, kinesthetic and proprioceptive systems; which is correct. We stopped there, didn’t we ? However, it has been demonstrated today that learning, even if it is differentiated, can only be efficient if we consider our capacity to move in a global and individual way. Each individual being unique, his or her motorial capacities cannot be reduced to biomechanical and technical considerations, even less so if we consider the diversity, sometimes the volatility of the environments in which the sliders evolve. The influence of the material, good or bad, adds to the importance of taking into account the motorial specificities of each individual in a global way and beyond the only technical and proprioceptive aspects.
esSENSiel-ActionTypes® approach focuses on making the person feel which motor organization he/she uses according to the context in which he/she is. This will allow him/her to adapt his/her equipment to his/her motor organization and not the other way around, in order to move with less effort, without tension, more efficiently, by putting less strain on his/her joints for example.
It will then also be possible to choose equipment that corresponds more to him from a psychomotor point of view and before any other consideration.
Alpine skiing, Slalom, Freeride :
Did you know that the type of sliding gear or shoes influence positively or negatively the structural aspects of our motorial skills ?
To contact us, please click HERE.
Using skis or a snowboard that are more or less cut (parabolic), a sliding device which is more or less wide, boots with a more or less inclined shaft calls for coordination qualities that you have certainly experimented whether from the angle of technique or practice.
Going from the same pair of skis or a board to another, changing only by its size (width of the skate compared to the width of its tip), changes the physical perception that you have. Pedagogically, it was concluded that this was a matter of vestibular, kinesthetic and proprioceptive systems; which is correct. We stopped there, didn’t we ? However, it has been demonstrated today that learning, even if it is differentiated, can only be efficient if we consider our capacity to move in a global and individual way. Each individual being unique, his or her motorial capacities cannot be reduced to biomechanical and technical considerations, even less so if we consider the diversity, sometimes the volatility of the environments in which the sliders evolve. The influence of the material, good or bad, adds to the importance of taking into account the motor specificities of each individual in a global way and beyond the only technical and proprioceptive aspects.
esSENSiel-ActionTypes® approach focuses on making the person feel which motor organization he/she uses according to the context in which he/she is. This will allow him/her to adapt his/her equipment to his/her motor organization and not the other way around, in order to move with less effort, without tension, more efficiently, by putting less strain on his/her joints for example.
It will then also be possible to choose equipment that corresponds more to him from a psychomotor point of view and before any other consideration.
Anyone who has practiced snowboarding from the beginner to the more advanced stages of the sport will have noticed that the movements required to achieve good coordination on the board are quite different. As you become more familiar with the board, there is less need to use upper body rotational movements.
Using rotational or counter-movements of the upper body in a different axis than the hips is a natural quality of a part of the human race that is emphasized in the early stages of snowboarding, whether it is alpine, freestyle or allround, when the carved shape of the snowboard and its edges are not used much. The more the edges are used, the less it is necessary to be active with the upper body for rotational purposes. This is a consequence that becomes evident as soon as the support on the edges of the snowboard takes precedence over the skidded forms or when the practitioner shows a more secure balance. It is an advantage for the other part of the human being who, for rotational purposes, relies more naturally on a combined use of their pelvic (hips) and scapular (shoulders) girdles, thus abandoning the so-called counter-rotational movements.
Based on our natural motorial organization, it is either easier to apprehend the practice of snowboarding and more energetically expensive to progress once the basics are acquired, or conversely, it is more difficult to master the basic movements but much easier afterwards to progress towards what a good level of snowboarding requires in terms of coordination and sensations.
Each of us has his own motorial priorities that must be respected to ensure a safe apprehension and a more efficient mastery of new forms of snowboarding. I am talking about priorities and not limits; everyone can use one motorial quality or another, but not in the same way or in the same situations… If he is not necessarily conscious of spontaneously switching from one to the other in a coherent and efficient way, it is essential to know when and how his system switches from one to the other of these motorial organizations in order to take advantage of it or not to generate inconsistencies that could lead to loss of balance, blockages, or even injuries.
It is therefore more than useful to feel when and how we rely on which motorial organization to avoid fighting against ourselves or putting ourselves at risk. This is what the esSENSial-ActionTypes® approach helps you to experience and feel.
Did you know that snowboarding uses two structural motorial characteristics that are antagonistic depending on whether you are a beginner or a good technician ?
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Did you know that snowboarding uses two structural motorial characteristics that are antagonistic depending on whether you are a beginner or a good technician ?
To contact us, please click HERE.
Anyone who has practiced snowboarding from a beginner level to more advanced stages of the sport will have noticed that the movements required to achieve a good coordination on the board are quite different. As you become more familiar with the board, there is less need to use upper body rotational movements.
Using rotational or counter-movements of the upper body in a different axis than the hips is a natural quality of a part of the human race that is emphasized in the early stages of snowboarding, whether it is alpine, freestyle or allround, when the carved shape of the snowboard and its edges are not used much. The more the edges are used, the less it is necessary to be active with the upper body for rotational purposes. This is a consequence that becomes evident as soon as the support on the edges of the snowboard takes precedence over the skidded forms or when the practitioner shows a more secure balance. It is an advantage for the other part of the human being who, for rotational purposes, relies more naturally on a combined use of their pelvic (hips) and scapular (shoulders) girdles, thus abandoning the so-called counter-rotational movements.
Based on our natural motorial organization, it is either easier to apprehend the practice of snowboarding and more energetically expensive to progress once the basics are acquired, or conversely, it is more difficult to master the basic movements but much easier afterwards to progress towards what a good level of snowboarding requires in terms of coordination and sensations.
Each of us has his own motorial priorities that must be respected to ensure a safe apprehension and a more efficient mastery of new forms of snowboarding. I am talking about priorities and not limits; everyone can use one motorial quality or another, but not in the same way or in the same situations… If he is not necessarily conscious of spontaneously switching from one to the other in a coherent and efficient way, it is essential to know when and how his system switches from one to the other of these motorial organizations in order to take advantage of it or not to generate inconsistencies that could lead to loss of balance, blockages, or even injuries.
It is therefore more than useful to feel when and how we rely on which motorial organization to avoid fighting against ourselves or putting ourselves at risk. This is what the esSENSial-ActionTypes® approach helps you to experience and feel.
Cross Country Skiing, Skating :
Did you know that by skating, keeping your shoulders in the same axis as your hips is not beneficial for everyone ?
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The technical recommendation saying that shoulders must always be kept in the same axis as the hips is only valid for people who are able to take advantage of a so-called associated motor organization, even symmetrical for some. Imposing this when the body does not evolve in such a psychomotor configuration amounts to depriving the athlete of a good part of his/her resources.
It is important to perceive under which circumstances, for technical or physical reasons, the athlete switches from one motor system to the other. This allows him to adapt the technique to his psychomotor system and not the other way around.
The esSENSial-ActionTypes® approach focuses on allowing the athlete to feel this so that he/she can take advantage of it by him/herself depending on the context.
Cross Country Skiing, Skating :
Did you know that by skating, keeping your shoulders in the same axis as your hips is not beneficial for everyone ?
To contact us, please click HERE.
The technical recommendation saying that shoulders must always be kept in the same axis as the hips is only valid for people who are able to take advantage of a so-called associated motor organization, even symmetrical for some. Imposing this when the body does not evolve in such a psychomotor configuration amounts to depriving the athlete of a good part of his/her resources.
It is important to perceive under which circumstances, for technical or physical reasons, the athlete switches from one motor system to the other. This allows him to adapt the technique to his psychomotor system and not the other way around.
The esSENSial-ActionTypes® approach focuses on allowing the athlete to feel this so that he/she can take advantage of it by him/herself depending on the context.
Roughly, half of us need to “mentalize” what we are going to do in terms of movements, holds, sequences of movements. This requires a careful reading of the holds and the pitch to be climbed; this is a type of preparation we see a lot by competitors (in both training or competition sessions). However, this approach is not suitable for all forms of motorial organization. Some of us, on the contrary, organize themselves much better without the constraint of the predictability, of the preview, and get a better idea of what awaits them by looking globally at the route, then by concentrating on their movements as they progress. One approach is not better than the other.
Neuroscience shows us that it is better to stick to the one that suits us, because switching to the other form of motricity is less instinctive, less spontaneous, less easy and therefore less energetic, but flipping to the other type of motricity allow us not to constraint to the emotional dimension of the situation.
Does this potential for progress tempt you ? All you have to do is physically experience these two types of organization that we can all benefit from, but that we don’t necessarily use to good purpose. This is the specificity of the esSENSial-ActionTypes® approach.
Climbing :
Did you know that depending on the motorial organization you favor, you can either have a more conceptual or a more contextual approach to the movements you’re going to do ?
Using one rather than the other is not beneficial depending on who you are…
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Climbing :
Did you know that depending on the motorial organization you favor, you can either have a more conceptual or a more contextual approach to the movements you’re going to do ?
Using one rather than the other is not beneficial depending on who you are…
To contact us, please click HERE.
Roughly, half of us need to “mentalize” what we are going to do in terms of movements, holds, sequences of movements. This requires a careful reading of the holds and the pitch to be climbed; this is a type of preparation we see a lot by competitors (in both training or competition sessions). However, this approach is not suitable for all forms of motorial organization. Some of us, on the contrary, organize themselves much better without the constraint of the predictability, of the preview, and get a better idea of what awaits them by looking globally at the route, then by concentrating on their movements as they progress. One approach is not better than the other.
Neuroscience shows us that it is better to stick to the one that suits us, because switching to the other form of motricity is less instinctive, less spontaneous, less easy and therefore less energetic, but flipping to the other type of motricity allow us not to constraint to the emotional dimension of the situation.
Does this potential for progress tempt you ? All you have to do is physically experience these two types of organization that we can all benefit from, but that we don’t necessarily use to good purpose. This is the specificity of the esSENSial-ActionTypes® approach.
Swimming, Paddle, Canoeing :
Did you know that the engagement of the upper body or the body trunk to optimize engagement and support on an arm or a paddle differs from one individual to another ?
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You may have noticed that some swimmers, in crawl, do foot beats while keeping their feet in the axis of the body… while others have their feet showing a tendency to cross in the water doing the same beats; some sometimes swing their body sideways moving like a paddle rather than a torpedo.
It is constitutive of two types of motorial organization; which are structural and specific to each individual. To correct this in the name of a technique is counterproductive.
Likewise, in the sports of oars or paddles, the engagement of these rely on a different psychomotor organization according to whether the athlete engages his movements with the upper body or with the pelvis.
Muscular strength requires good coordination to produce its effect and this only happens when this coordination corresponds to the individual’s psychomotor system. This is what the esSENSial- ActionTypes® approach focuses on rather than the technique itself.
Swimming, Paddle, Canoeing :
Did you know that the engagement of the upper body or the body trunk to optimize engagement and support on an arm or a paddle differs from one individual to another ?
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You may have noticed that some swimmers, in crawl, do foot beats while keeping their feet in the axis of the body… while others have their feet showing a tendency to cross in the water doing the same beats; some sometimes swing their body sideways moving like a paddle rather than a torpedo.
It is constitutive of two types of motorial organization; which are structural and specific to each individual. To correct this in the name of a technique is counterproductive.
Likewise, in the sports of oars or paddles, the engagement of these rely on a different psychomotor organization according to whether the athlete engages his movements with the upper body or with the pelvis.
Muscular strength requires good coordination to produce its effect and this only happens when this coordination corresponds to the individual’s psychomotor system. This is what the esSENSial-ActionTypes® approach focuses on rather than the technique itself.
An efficient and precise pitching or hitting is the result and emergence of an ideal coordination in a given context.
Acquiring a throwing or hitting technique and working on it is certainly useful and necessary. However, it will not make this gesture instinctive, because training and systematizing a gesture in a given context, even by varying these contexts, is only effective in a very limited number of cases
Our psychomotor system was designed from the beginning to move and adapt to constantly changing environments.
For throws and a strikes, it is therefore more efficient to perceive when and how to adapt to the changes according to who you are rather than to impose the same technique or the same type of coordination in front of these perpetual changes of contexts. The variety of the latter being infinite, the most perfect gestures that can be trained and repeated will never be perfect enough in the face of the speed and number of contextual changes that the athlete faces.
It is on this point, which consists of offering the athlete the possibility of identifying his or her intrinsic motor resources in different contexts and environments, that the esSENSiel-ActionTypes® approach finds its fundamentals.
Tennis, Squash, Badminton, Throws :
Did you know that preparation and finishing for an efficient and precise throwing movement, technically speaking, does not derive primarily from what is commonly called the “Perfect Gesture” ?
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Tennis, Squash, Badminton, Throws :
Did you know that preparation and finishing for an efficient and precise throwing movement, technically speaking, does not derive primarily from what is commonly called the “Perfect Gesture” ?
To contact us, please click HERE.
An efficient and precise pitching or hitting is the result and emergence of an ideal coordination in a given context.
Acquiring a throwing or hitting technique and working on it is certainly useful and necessary. However, it will not make this gesture instinctive, because training and systematizing a gesture in a given context, even by varying these contexts, is only effective in a very limited number of cases
Our psychomotor system was designed from the beginning to move and adapt to constantly changing environments.
For throws and a strikes, it is therefore more efficient to perceive when and how to adapt to the changes according to who you are rather than to impose the same technique or the same type of coordination in front of these perpetual changes of contexts. The variety of the latter being infinite, the most perfect gestures that can be trained and repeated will never be perfect enough in the face of the speed and number of contextual changes that the athlete faces.
It is on this point, which consists of offering the athlete the possibility of identifying his or her intrinsic motor resources in different contexts and environments, that the esSENSiel-ActionTypes® approach finds its fundamentals.
Muscular Strength, Explosiveness :
Did you know that exhaling during exercise to get the most out of it should not be the standard to all ?
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You and I have both heard the advice to exhale for the duration of the effort. This is accurate in certain posture and coordination contexts depending on whether the person is in a position to coordinate his/her mobility by relying on his/her motorial skills or not.
The context and environment influence the motor organization of the individual. The way of breathing during effort must be coherent and derive from this motor organization. It is therefore essential to be able to perceive the type of coordination that is being used in order to coordinate breathing and muscular engagement and to make the most of it.
It is also necessary to be able to feel one’s body in relation to these moments. This is the emphasis of the esSENSial-ActionTypes® approach.
Muscular Strength, Explosiveness :
Did you know that exhaling during exercise to get the most out of it should not be the standard to all ?
To contact us, please click HERE.
You and I have both heard the advice to exhale for the duration of the effort. This is accurate in certain posture and coordination contexts depending on whether the person is in a position to coordinate his/her mobility by relying on his/her motorial skills or not.
The context and environment influence the motor organization of the individual. The way of breathing during effort must be coherent and derive from this motor organization. It is therefore essential to be able to perceive the type of coordination that is being used in order to coordinate breathing and muscular engagement and to make the most of it.
It is also necessary to be able to feel one’s body in relation to these moments. This is the emphasis of the esSENSial-ActionTypes® approach.
Explosiveness, strength, power and reactivity are all factors of success that are (too) often worked on for what they are and as such. However, neuroscience teaches us that it is pointless to capitalize only on their respective training to progress. Trained separately, they will require an enormous amount of time and energy for results that are globally very random because they are decontextualized.
Whatever a performance is, it emerges from a coordination, itself the result of a coherent psycho-motor organization. However, this organization is specific to each individual and is constantly adapted, organized and reorganized according to the context. It is therefore essential to begin by identifying the intrinsic motor inclinations of the athlete and then to ensure the coherence of this organization in the different contexts and situations with which he/she is confronted.
It is only on the basis of this sensory background that the athlete will be able to express his/her explosive, powerful or reactive faculties to the fullest in the practice of his/her sport.
The esSENSial-ActionTypes® approach aims to develop this sensory perception and awareness in athletes.
Wrestling, Fencing, Boxing :
Did you know that explosiveness, power or reactivity are not only the result of postures and attack or dodge techniques ?
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Ice Skating, Roller Skating, Inlines :
Did you know that for half of us skating at speed means not going straight ?
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The shortest path is not always a straight line, sometimes you have to go around the mountain”. This maxim takes on its full meaning in orienteering. Surprisingly, it also has a place in psychomotricity, even when applied to different forms of skating.
When it comes to coordination and movement, efficiency and performance lurk where you least expect them, or rather, where you least expect them…
In fact, there are two families in this field: those who organize themselves longitudinally. They organize themselves from head to toe in the direction they’re heading. This type of coordination is often described as the “ideal technique” in certain books and websites…
However, for the other half of the population, this approach is not the most effective; this motor population needs transversal references for a good push and fluidity, which translates on skates into convoluted trajectories, especially in the eyes of those who do not rely on such organization for their coordination.
The esSENSial-ActionTypes® approach aims to develop this sensory perception and awareness in athletes.
Ice Skating, Rollerskating, Rollerblading :
Did you know that for half of us, going fast when skating doesn’t means skating straight ?
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“The shortest way is not always a straight line, sometimes you have to go around the mountain”. This maxim takes on its full meaning in orienteering. Surprisingly, it also has a place in psychomotricity, even when applied to different forms of skating.
When it comes to coordination and movement, efficiency and performance lurk where you least expect them, or rather, where you do not look for them…
In fact, there are two families in this field : those who organize themselves longitudinally. They organize themselves from head to toe in the direction they’re heading. This is the kind of coordination that comes out of the books.
However, for the other half of the population, this is not the most efficient way of doing things; this motor population needs transversal references for good push and fluidity; it produces on skates convoluted trajectories, especially in the eyes of those who don’t rely on such an organization for their coordination.
The esSENSiel-ActionTypes® aims to develop this sensory perception and awareness in athletes.
Ice Skating, Rollerskating, Rollerblading :
Did you know that for half of us, going fast when skating doesn’t means skating straight ?
To contact us, please click HERE.
“The shortest way is not always a straight line, sometimes you have to go around the mountain”. This maxim takes on its full meaning in orienteering. Surprisingly, it also has a place in psychomotricity, even when applied to different forms of skating.
When it comes to coordination and movement, efficiency and performance lurk where you least expect them, or rather, where you do not look for them…
In fact, there are two families in this field : those who organize themselves longitudinally. They organize themselves from head to toe in the direction they’re heading. This is the kind of coordination that comes out of the books.
However, for the other half of the population, this is not the most efficient way of doing things; this motor population needs transversal references for good push and fluidity; it produces on skates convoluted trajectories, especially in the eyes of those who don’t rely on such an organization for their coordination.
The esSENSiel-ActionTypes® aims to develop this sensory perception and awareness in athletes.
Mammals, including humans, share the same psychomotor characteristics and priorities for coordination and movements…
Our brain is equipped with two hemispheres, not just to coordinate and manage our lateralities. This bipolarity enables us to adapt to our environment, which is by nature never static, whether natural, sensory, relational, emotional or even cognitive.
As the brain is at the service of the body, it gives us the ability to organize our coordination, and therefore our movements, in different ways according to these environmental or contextual data. It is this ability that enables us to recover when we sleep. When we sleep, our neuro-cerebral and psychomotor priorities are the opposite of those we use during the day.
This means that when it comes to movements, we have at least two possible ways of coordinating ourselves to run efficiently, but not for the same reasons. Being aware of this means being able to recover actively, for example, when going for a short run to “shake-out” our muscles.
This is one of the aspects on which the esSENSial-ActionTypes® approach focuses.
Trail Running, Trekking :
Did you know that we can organize our motor skills differently depending on whether we want to burn off more energy or need to save energy ?
To contact us, please click HERE.
Trail Running, Trekking :
Did you know that we can organize our motor skills differently depending on whether we want to burn off more energy or need to save energy ?
To contact us, please click HERE.
Mammals, including humans, share the same psychomotor characteristics and priorities for coordination and movements…
Our brain is equipped with two hemispheres, not just to coordinate and manage our lateralities. This bipolarity enables us to adapt to our environment, which is by nature never static, whether natural, sensory, relational, emotional or even cognitive.
As the brain is at the service of the body, it gives us the ability to organize our coordination, and therefore our movements, in different ways according to these environmental or contextual data. It is this ability that enables us to recover when we sleep. When we sleep, our neuro-cerebral and psychomotor priorities are the opposite of those we use during the day.
This means that when it comes to movements, we have at least two possible ways of coordinating ourselves to run efficiently, but not for the same reasons. Being aware of this means being able to recover actively, for example, when going for a short run to “shake-out” our muscles.
This is one of the aspects on which the esSENSial-ActionTypes® approach focuses.
Nordic Walking, Walking :
Did you know that there are many ways to engage and use your sticks for efficient support ?
To contact us, please click HERE.
“Yes, as bizarre and anecdotal as it may seem to refer to it here, the use of sealskin sticks, walking sticks or Nordic walking sticks isn’t necessarily all that trivial – at least from a coordination point of view that respects the individual.
This is not anecdotal, because along with stepping, arm movements are the most solicited movements when walking, especially if used on uneven terrain or steep slopes.
And this is no trivial matter, for their use, however natural and almost innate it may seem, stems from psychomotor organizations that are specific to each and every one of us.
Half of us benefit from more force from the moment the stick touches the ground until halfway through the accompanying or pushing movement. For the other half, it’s from the middle of the accompanying movement that the push on the stick is most effective.
Two other factors can make or break the effectiveness of stick use :
- engaging the body before the arms to start moving, or vice versa
- whether you prefer to walk with concentric or plyometric muscle stimulation
All this stems from motor preferences and contexts, since some of these preferences are not structural.
This is not noticeable when walking on flat ground for 30 minutes. It can make all the difference after 6 hours of trudge on steep off-trail terrain, for example, or during a long-distance trail run, and all the more so with advancing age.
Developing this sensitivity allows you to take full advantage of the help of the sticks, without suffering certain contextual disadvantages. It is this sensitivity that the esSENSiel-ActionTypes® approach develops.
Nordic Walking, Walking :
Did you know that there are many ways to engage and use your sticks for efficient support ?
To contact us, please click HERE.
“Yes, as bizarre and anecdotal as it may seem to refer to it here, the use of sealskin sticks, walking sticks or Nordic walking sticks isn’t necessarily all that trivial – at least from a coordination point of view that respects the individual.
This is not anecdotal, because along with stepping, arm movements are the most solicited movements when walking, especially if used on uneven terrain or steep slopes.
And this is no trivial matter, for their use, however natural and almost innate it may seem, stems from psychomotor organizations that are specific to each and every one of us.
Half of us benefit from more force from the moment the stick touches the ground until halfway through the accompanying or pushing movement. For the other half, it’s from the middle of the accompanying movement that the push on the stick is most effective.
Two other factors can make or break the effectiveness of stick use :
- engaging the body before the arms to start moving, or vice versa
- whether you prefer to walk with concentric or plyometric muscle stimulation
All this stems from motor preferences and contexts, since some of these preferences are not structural.
This is not noticeable when walking on flat ground for 30 minutes. It can make all the difference after 6 hours of trudge on steep off-trail terrain, for example, or during a long-distance trail run, and all the more so with advancing age.
Developing this sensitivity allows you to take full advantage of the help of the sticks, without suffering certain contextual disadvantages. It is this sensitivity that the esSENSiel-ActionTypes® approach develops.