What you say about us :

“esSENSiel – a salutary approach to move forward with more understanding of ourselves and our environment.”

Jean Guivert




Ludique, Énergisant, Interpelant

You have 1-2 hours to squeeze into your schedule and would like to :

  • get a first experience of what the esSENSiel approach can do for you;
  • get the most out of what our approach will do for you;
  • (better) understand what is being addressed through experimentation at different levels.

"Growing Self Consciousness"

What does it mean to grow self consciousness ?

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"Hemispheres Story"

Left brained, right brained !
Is it so simple and reductive ?

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"At the Heart of the Couple"

And if the couple was only the emergence of the meeting of two people ?

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"At the Heart of Sport"

Did you know that your motor skills change depending on the environment and the context ?

Read more

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